Miami Animal Alliance

Marie's Facebook

Meet Our Leaders!

We are a Non-Profit 501 C3

Registered in Colorado and Oklahoma

Our Officers and Coordinators

President - Karen Buffaloe

Vice President - Kallie Brumback

Adoption/Foster Coordinator​​

Marie Wallace

Marketing Administrator-Jenny Allen

​Fundraising Team-Leslie Whitcomb, Nikki Welday & Jenny Allen

Ms Jennys Kittys

Here is the Story of Poey, Artsy & Muey

The MAA's famous blind trio.  
6 kittens were found in a box dumped by the vet next to the airport in Miami, Ok. Some of the kittens were out and running around. A couple pulled over and grabbed all 6 kittens and took them home. The kittens were very, very sick and completely neglected. 3 died and 3 have made it. I was contacted for help and I can't think of anything else but to help them.  Poey & Artsy stole our foster coordinator Marie & families hearts and they knew they were home. Muey was adopted to another close, wonderful MAA family.  This dynamic trio stole the hearts of many in the MAA community and continues to be a spotlight in the MAA family.  If you get the chance, follow Marie on Facebook to see their hilarious shenanigans or if even better, adopt your baby from Marie's & Poey will greet you at the door! 


Follow the mAA community

​Each image below takes you to a foster facebook page to show you how loved our fosters are in their homes while waiting on you! Bottom is an instagram.

Meet Poey & Artsy The MAA's blind duo

Involvement is more than

just time or money,

it's peace of mind.

Leslie W's Group

Miami animal Alliance © All rights reserved

We are non profit 501(c)3, no kill, all foster home rescue. We are based in NE Oklahoma. We are 100% foster based, meaning all our pets are in private homes getting lots of love and socialization.

Oklahoma has very few spay and neuter laws and the ones we have are not enforced. Animals are considered property of the owner and the owners are only required by law to provide basic shelter and food. We like to think things are changing ie laws, education, compassion, however the truth, NE OK has an abundance of unwanted pets.

One of our core beliefs is that we never refuse an animal because of illness and if we take in an animal we do whatever we can to get them well and in forever homes.

We have wonderful partners in Colorado that help us transport pets to find more adopters and connect with forever homes, allowing us to rescue more. We feel that the people in Colorado respect and treat their animals like family.

We have the support of Kelly and Greg Robinson of Bark N Wash in Aurora, CO. The Bark N Wash hosts our adoption transports (titled Gregport in honor of Greg) and through this, they have helped us find homes for 1000′s of pets from Oklahoma.